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Input File Format

MGF File

DeepMASS accepts mgf files containing one or multiple MS/MS spectra. The Mascot Generic Format (MGF) is a standard file format used to store mass spectrometry (MS) data, particularly tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data.

Structure of MGF Files:

  • Header Information: Optional metadata about the MS data, including instrument parameters, acquisition settings, and other experimental details.
  • BEGIN IONS: Marks the beginning of the MS/MS data section.
  • Spectrum Information: Parameters and a list of mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and intensity pairs.
  • Peak Data: Describes the mass spectrum with m/z and intensity pairs.
  • END IONS: Marks the end of the MS/MS data section for a specific spectrum.

Essential DeepMASS input information includes:

  • CHARGE: Number of charges of the precursor ion.
  • PRECURSOR_MZ: Precursor ion's mass-to-charge ratio.
  • COMPOUND_NAME: Identifier for the compound.
  • IONMODE: Ionization mode of the precursor ion.
  • ADDUCT: Type of adduct of the precursor ion.

At least one of the following is necessary for DeepMASS inputs:

  • FORMULA: Molecular formula of the compound.
  • PARENT_MASS: Monoisotopic mass of the compound.

Here's a simplified example of an MGF file:

    132.0454 0.006008828855732822 
    134.0245 0.0022295306804225633 
    149.0483 0.00297960480724686 
    150.056 1.0 
    194.0459 0.36915136378467533 

    127.0418 0.01388754827761238 
    145.0524 0.0058134492435322465 
    205.9602 0.1043324271433068 
    223.9708 1.0 

MSP File

DeepMASS also accepts msp files, which contain one or multiple MS/MS spectra.

Structure of MSP Files:

  • Name: A descriptor or identifier for the spectrum, often the compound name.
  • Num Peaks: The number of mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and intensity pairs that follow.
  • Peak Data: Describes the mass spectrum with m/z and intensity pairs listed.

Essential DeepMASS input information includes:

  • CHARGE: Number of charges of the precursor ion.
  • PRECURSOR_MZ: Precursor ion's mass-to-charge ratio.
  • COMPOUND_NAME: Identifier for the compound.
  • IONMODE: Ionization mode of the precursor ion.
  • ADDUCT: Type of adduct of the precursor ion.

At least one of the following is necessary for DeepMASS inputs:

  • FORMULA: Molecular formula of the compound.
  • PARENT_MASS: Monoisotopic mass of the compound.

Here's a simplified example of an MSP file with multiple spectra:

    Name: challenge_255
    PrecursorMZ: 194.04588176800002
    ExactMass: 195.053157768
    Formula: C9H9NO4
    Ion_mode: negative
    Adduct: [M-H]-
    Num Peaks: 5
    132.0454 0.0060
    134.0245 0.0022
    149.0483 0.0030
    150.0560 1.0
    194.0459 0.3692

    Name: challenge_368
    PrecursorMZ: 223.970551912
    ExactMass: 222.963275912
    Formula: C9H6BrNO
    Ion_mode: positive
    Adduct: [M+H]+
    Num Peaks: 4
    127.0418 0.0139
    145.0524 0.0058
    205.9602 0.1043
    223.9708 1.0

MAT File

DeepMASS accepts mat files which contain detailed information about MS/MS spectra. The file format is the same as MS-Finder used, which also contains isotopical information.

Here's a simplified example of an MAT file with multiple spectra:

    NAME: L-Glutamic acid
    SCANNUMBER: 1228
    PRECURSORMZ: 148.0424
    IONMODE: Positive
    INTENSITY: 10818.72
    Num Peaks: 5
    148.04244   17967
    149.04424   1255
    150.03773   1096
    151.04014   113
    152.07201   68
    Num Peaks: 7
    44.97939    304
    61.00939    32
    73.78966    70
    74.00583    7225
    76.82613    13
    87.01311    80
    120.01151   988

Output File Format

The output is CSV file contains information about ranked annotated chemical structures. The columns provide details about each compound, including its title, molecular formula, structure, and scores related to formula and structure predictions.

Columns Description:

  • Title: The name of the compound.
  • MolecularFormula: The molecular formula of the compound, indicating the number and type of atoms present.
  • CanonicalSMILES: The Canonical Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES) string, representing the structure of the compound.
  • InChIKey: The International Chemical Identifier Key, a unique alphanumeric string to identify the compound.
  • Database IDs: Identifiers from various databases where the compound is registered.
  • Formula Score: A score indicating the accuracy or confidence in the predicted molecular formula.
  • Structure Score: A score indicating the accuracy or confidence in the predicted molecular structure.
  • Consensus Score: An overall score combining the formula and structure scores, reflecting the overall confidence in the compound identification.

Here's a simplified example of an output file:

Title MolecularFormula CanonicalSMILES InChIKey Database IDs Formula Score Structure Score Consensus Score
0 "Acetic acid N',N'-dimethylhydrazide" C4H10N2O CC(=O)NN(C)C SLIKWWJXVUHCPJ-UHFFFAOYSA-N NIST:CAS6233041 1.0 0.9999999991779194 0.9999999994245434
1 N-(2-Aminoethyl)acetamide C4H10N2O CC(=O)NCCN DAKZISABEDGGSV-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMHub:MS000036761 1.0 0.957735969543063 0.970415178680144
2 N-Propylurea C4H10N2O CCCNC(N)=O ZQZJKHIIQFPZCS-UHFFFAOYSA-N BloodExp:CID12303;;HMDB0255240 1.0 0.940423010788881 0.9582961075522167
3 "2-Amino-N,N-dimethylacetamide" C4H10N2O CN(C)C(=O)CN KNVRBEGQERGQRP-UHFFFAOYSA-N NIST:CAS1857198 1.0 0.8933594423863824 0.9253516096704677
4 4-Aminobutanamide C4H10N2O NCCCC(N)=O WCVPFJVXEXJFLB-UHFFFAOYSA-N NIST:CAS3251089 1.0 0.8222707059586819 0.8755894941710773
5 "1,1,3-Trimethylurea" C4H10N2O CNC(=O)N(C)C COSWCAGTKRUTQV-UHFFFAOYSA-N NIST:CAS632144 1.0 0.7851222117039512 0.8495855481927659
6 Methylpropylnitrosamine C4H10N2O CCCN(C)N=O ITBDKUCVKYSWMF-UHFFFAOYSA-N BloodExp:CID13545 1.0 0.7422341116397019 0.8195638781477912
7 (2S)-2-(Methylamino)propanamide C4H10N2O CNC@@HC(N)=O QKNFFJHHPCWXTH-VKHMYHEASA-N NIST:CAS55988120 1.0 0.7230225309588504 0.8061157716711953
8 N-nitrosodiethylamine C4H10N2O CCN(CC)N=O WBNQDOYYEUMPFS-UHFFFAOYSA-N CHEBI:34873;;BloodExp:CID5921;;C14422;;PMHub:MS000007343;;DTXSID2021028 1.0 0.7174501691978581 0.8022151184385007
9 ISOPROPYLUREA C4H10N2O CC(C)NC(=N)O LZMATGARSSLFMQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N PMHub:MS000231594;;NIST:CAS691601 1.0 0.6049047550645834 0.7234333285452084

Export MS/MS file from MS-DIAL

To export an MGF (Mascot Generic Format) file from MS-DIAL processing results, follow these steps:


A) Peak list export B) Alignment result export C) Molecular spectrum networking export D) Copy screenshot to clipboard (emf) E) Parameter export (Tab-delimited text) F) Export as lipoquality database format G) Export normalization result


A) Peak list export: You can get the peak list information of each sample including retention time, m/z, MS/MS spectra information, and so on. Available formats are MSP, MGF or Text.

Step1. Choose an export folder path. Step2. Choose files which you want to export and click button "Add ->". Step3. Select export format. Step4. Click the export button.


B) Alignment result export: You can get data matrix or spectral information.

Step1. Choose an export folder path. Step2. Choose an alignment file which you want to export. Step3. Select export format if you want to export the representative spectra. Step4. Click the export button.

Export MS/MS file from XCMS

To export MS/MS data into an MGF (Mascot Generic Format) file from XCMS result, we can use the combineSpectra function. For more details see the documentation of the consensusSpectrum function in the MSnbase R package. Refer this script to define a function exportSpectraToMGF to convert the spectra data into MGF format.

    exportSpectraToMGF <- function(spectra, file) {
        mgf_data <- lapply(spectra, function(sp) {
                TITLE = paste("Scan", sp@scanIndex),
                RTINSECONDS = sp@rtime,
                PEPMASS = c(sp@precursorMz, sp@precursorIntensity),
                CHARGE = sp@precursorCharge,
                MZ = sp@mz,
                INTENSITY = sp@intensity
        con <- file(file, "w")
        for (spectrum in mgf_data) {
            cat("BEGIN IONS\n", file = con)
            cat(paste("TITLE=", spectrum$TITLE, sep = ""), "\n", file = con)
            cat(paste("RTINSECONDS=", spectrum$RTINSECONDS, sep = ""), "\n", file = con)
            cat(paste("PEPMASS=", paste(spectrum$PEPMASS, collapse = " "), sep = ""), "\n", file = con)
            cat(paste("CHARGE=", spectrum$CHARGE, sep = ""), "\n", file = con)
            for (i in seq_along(spectrum$MZ)) {
                cat(paste(spectrum$MZ[i], spectrum$INTENSITY[i], sep = " "), "\n", file = con)
            cat("END IONS\n\n", file = con)